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Nutritional Consulting

Natural Herbs

We are all individuals with unique dietary needs

One of the biggest frustrations for me as a nutritionist is seeing the health "gurus" out there promising health by following a set protocal. My approach starts with the understanding that we are all unique. One approach can not possibly work for everyone. 

Eat whole foods 

Whole unprocessed foods are the key to a healthy diet. Our societal decline in health over the last 60 plus years is directly related to the increase in our consumption of processed foods. These are foods that were not a part of our diet 100 years ago when things like heart disease and diabetes were very rare. When your diet consist of mainly whole foods your body receives a much needed variety of nutrients that simply do not exist in processed foods.


Eat Mindfully

I know you are busy, we all are! But we can all benefit from taking a few moments to slow down. How can you make eating a mindful practice? Take a moment to look at your food and appreciate the beautiful colors and smells. Take a moment to thank mother earth and all of the people who produced this food. Pay attention to your breath, feel the food in your mouth and notice the flavors and textures. Feel the food enter your body and be grateful for the nurishment. Food eaten in this way will be better absorbed by your body and the nutritional value will be heightened. 

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